Beginning Farmers
Beginning Farmers - Practical Tools for Successful Family Farming
Upcoming Farmer Field School Webinars from Future Harvest CASA including How to Start a Meat Buying Club, Employee Management and Legal Considerations, and Hands On Tomato Trellising
How To Start a Meat Buying Club
Wednesday, 5/13
We Want You! (To Start a Meat Buying Club) 1:30 - 3:00 pm. Buying clubs are more relevant than ever. Join Future Harvest and founder Mark Meytin to learn how to work directly with a farmer and utilize online organizing tools to purchase grassfed meat in bulk with your peers. FREE RSVP for How to Start a Meat Buying Club Required Here.
Employee Management & Legal Considerations
Tuesday, 5/19
Employee Management & Legal Considerations During COVID-19 4:30 - 6:00 pm Farmers are reworking their SOPs to ensure the safety of employees, farm owners, and customers during COVID-19, but how do you keep your farm running when understaffed? Cope with the emotions that are coming up? And make sure you're covered legally for any issues that may arise? Join Future Harvest and our panelists to hear how regional farmers are coping and adjusting.
- Laura Beth Resnick, Butterbee Farm
- Kimberly Raikes, Whitelock Community Farm
- Carrie Vaughn, Clagett Farm
- Nicole Cook, Agricultural Law Expert ALEI
Please bring your legal and employee management questions and concerns with you to ask during the 45min Q&A session. FREE RSVP required here.
"Hands-On: Tomato Trellising with Pest & Disease Management Tips
Sunday, 5/31
"Hands-on" Tomato Trellising with Pest & Disease Management Tips 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Join us for this virtual “hands-on” workshop to learn the nitty gritty of all things tomatoes! This webinar is designed for beginners learning how to trellis and care for tomatoes in high tunnels and/or out in the fields. The session will be lead by Quarter Acre Farm, Terp Farm, and UMD Extension. FREE, RSVP Required here
To see all of our upcoming (now virtual) Field School events, visit
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- And as always, find tons of useful farming resources by visiting